Meet Our Team

Dr Nadir Abbas

(MBBS, MRCP London)

I am a Liver doctor working at the Liver unit, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham and undertaking my PhD at the University of Birmingham with interests in Autoimmune liver diseases. I am also the National representative for all liver trainee doctors across UK. I have a media interest and have featured on various TV health shows including an Amazon documentary on COVID-19. I am passionate about improving care for individuals with liver disease through patient education, involvement and empowerment. I am a spokesperson for health inequalities faced by the ethnic minorities and endeavour to improve knowledge related to liver diseases through with my information videos being in English, Urdu/Hindi and Punjabi.



I am a passionate liver doctor having trained to be a Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist (Gut and Liver specialist) in the East Midlands followed by an advanced fellowship in liver transplantation at the Liver unit, Birmingham. I obtained a PhD from the University of Nottingham in 2021. My specialist interests are metabolic liver disease, advanced care planning and endoscopic management of portal hypertension, including endoscopic ultrasound. I will be practising and looking after individuals with liver disease in Nottingham University Hospital NHS trust, UK as a consultant.

Dr Anita Raja (MRCGP, DFSRH)

(MRCGP, Dfsrh)

Dr. Raja belongs to a mixed South Asian heritage. She was born and raised in Germany. Her father is a celebrated aristocrate  Raja Anwar .Mr Raja is a scholar, ex-politician, and author from Pakistan. Mr Raja has been passionate about free education for all Pakistani children from impoverished families , having served as Chairman Education Commisson Punjab Pakistan .He was amongst the founding members of the most prominent democratic political party of Pakistan (PPP). He spent 17 years in exile as he vehemently opposed the dictatorship & military coup of Zia-ul -Haq Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq – Wikipedia Her mother is from Afghanistan. Dr Raja can speak Urdu, English, Punjabi, German, and Farsi fluently. She blames her German upbringing for her honest, frank, and candid style of speech. She is married to a Medic Dr Abbas who is actively working to raise awareness around liver diseases Our Team – Liver Dojo .She has two sons 10 yr old and 3 year old .

CNS Isobel Hayes

I am a specialist liver nurse working at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. I have been a nurse for 9 years and have experience working on both acute liver medical and surgical units. I started my role as a specialist liver nurse in September 2020 and my work centres around managing symptoms for patients with decompensated liver disease. Our nurse led service runs a daily day case paracentesis programme and manages daily “hot” clinics where acutely unwell patients can be clinically reviewed and triaged. I have a special interest in patients with alcohol related liver disease and palliative care for liver patients. I want to contribute to improved patient care and patient education to empower patients to better understand their condition and help them to live as well as possible.

Jenny Towey

Jenny Towey is a Specialist Dietitian working at the University Hospitals Birmingham. Her specialist interests include nutritional assessment and management of alcohol-related liver disease and hepatic encephalopathy. She is actively involved in research and is passionate about standardising nutritional assessment and management for all patient with end-stage liver disease.

Dr Sara Mahgoub


I am a liver doctor working in Birmingham, at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. I am currently undertaking my MD research within the Liver unit. I enjoy looking after patients with all aspects of liver disease. I have a particular interest in supporting and advocating for vulnerable people in the community with the barriers they face when trying to access healthcare. I have helped run volunteer clinics with Doctors of the World. I also work closely with local individuals and groups in supporting refugees and asylum seekers through my role as a committee member at Kings Heath Action for Refugees. I am passionate about reducing healthcare inequalities and improving long-term access to healthcare, particularly for those with liver disease. I enjoy learning about other cultures through music, food and travel! I will be recording videos in Arabic and english.

Chiemelie Ngonadi


I am a Gastroenterology registrar and NIHR Clinical fellow working with patients who needs liver transplant as part of my post-graduate/MD degree. During this time, I have become increasingly aware of the disparities in the knowledge about liver disease and the need for a tailored approach to this subject. I am looking forward to working with my colleagues to provide translations in some of the languages spoken in Nigeria.

Dr Vincenzo Ronca

I am a liver doctor working at the Liver Unit, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham. I am concurrently undertaking a Ph.D. in liver immunology at the University of Birmingham, focusing specifically on rare and autoimmune liver diseases. I also serve as the Young Investigator Lead for the Autoimmune Hepatitis Special Group of the European Reference Network for Rare Liver Disease. I strongly believe in standing up for patient rights, and I always put the patient's needs at the center of everything I do. I believe that educating patients, involving them in decision-making, and empowering them to take charge of their health is the best way to improve their health and manage liver disease.

Dr Wong Yu Jun

(MCI, FRCP, MD, Mmed)

I’m a Consultant Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist working at the Changi General Hospital, Singapore. My research interest include portal hypertension, liver cirrhosis, viral hepatitis and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. I am the recipient for the AASLD abstract awards both in 2022 and 2023. I am a keen educator and have mentored medical students and residents for their research career. I currently hold the appointment as a Clinical Assistant Professor at Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore. I am fluent in English, Mandarin and Bahasa Malayu and very excited to join the liverdojo team as an International expert.